Kidz Point
(18 Months – 13 yrs)
We love kids! If you are planning on bringing your children with you, we think that’s awesome. Taking care of your children and providing an amazing experience for them is one of our greatest values.
You’ll want to arrive a few extra minutes earlier, especially if you’re a first time guest, to get your kids registered and checked into class before the service starts. Kidz Point is for 18 months olds to Grade 7.
Our Mission
Our mission is to Love God and Build kids by connecting kids to an active, living relationship with Jesus and teaching them to manage life. This is done through lively songs, games, stories and fun activities that illustrate sound biblical principles relevant to kids today. We believe that children are not only the church of tomorrow, but also the church of today.
Easy Registration
For your children’s safety and to keep our records up-to-date, we use a computerised sign-in. The information you provide about allergies and other medical conditions will be made available to your child’s leaders.
On your first visit, the check-in manager will input your child’s information as well as your contact details. A nametag will be provided for your child, and a tag will be provided for you. You must hand over your tag in order to pick up your child.
Babies and Toddlers
If the child is between 18 Months – 3 yrs old you can check them into our toddler group and if your child is under 18 months or the toddler group is full you may make use of the Parents & Tots Room near the ladies’ bathroom or should your baby become restless and noisy, please be considerate and use this facility. Sound and visuals of the main service are directed to the room. Screens have been set up for privacy for breastfeeding moms.
Safety & Snacks